Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reading Reaction Journal A (About the major)

Le Gao, EAP1B
March 26, 2009


Thomson, Iain. (2009, March 1). Recession sees rise in computer science students. Vnunet.com. Retrieved March 23, 2009, from http://www.vnunet.com/vnunet/news/2238681/recession-sees-rise-computerter.


Iain Thomson’s article entitled “Recession sees rise in computer science students” discusses the fact that the number of computer science students began to go up since 2003. At first the finding said that more and more students decided to study computer science, including undergraduate students and PhD students. And the situation is unexpected. Even thought they can’t find the high salary jobs as before. However, just 10% of technology graduates are women. Thus, the U.S. Department of Labor expected the upward surge would happen next year. Some of them may grow more than one time.


In my opinion, the recession will not affect the IT jobs. Computer, which is used everywhere in life, is the most necessary to the modern world. However, the recession is bad for marketing, economy, or finding a job. Before, people chose the major of computer science almost because of the high salary and good future. I don’t know why they also want to choose this major during the recession. From this article, I find the answer that they feel the intellectual depth and societal benefits of computing technology. I hope my future will go very well. My field is to be a programmer. I want to find more good software to make people’s life better than before. I believe I will.

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